Customer Testimonials

"Thank you for going above and beyond and for your help!"

"My granddaughter loves her bracelets and wants a few more lol"

"I truly love this small family business because it not only hand makes everything but it does it as a family unit. It is amazing how this family works together to make the most beautiful personal products. I love buying sentimental gifts to give because of their meaning and the love & creativity put into every item made."

"Between the deals, communication, customer service, understanding customization, and detail of each crystal including it's meaning, I thank you guys especially the daughter for saving me after my father passed, she really helped me heal and I appreciate everything along my journey"

"I shopped with you at the Holistic Expo and bought an amethyst jewelry piece"

"Love it! Especially the angels and turtle fillers"

"I love the colors! I love the packaging. It's so pretty! And the sticker too!"